Events & Promos
5 Ways to Prepare Your Daughter for Prom
April 4 2014
Prom season is here. For most moms that could mean scrambling to buy dresses, accessories and make beautifying appointments. To cut some time and reserve energy, we at Indulge XS have a few suggestions to prepare your daughter for prom without losing your mind.
1. Help her feel confident by asking if she wants to enroll in an exercise, etiquette or dance class. Self-confidence is a teen girl’s best friend.
2. Take her to consultation appointments with hair stylists, nail techs and estheticians. Get in those consultations early to cut down on indecision and disappointment.
3. Schedule appointments with personal shoppers at your local boutiques, formal dress stores and even department stores to narrow down her selections and manage expectations based on budget.
4. Hire a personal stylist to assist in polishing up her prom look.
5. If possible, make her appointments for early morning on the day of her prom. Afterwards, take her to a relaxing lunch.
We at Indulge XS Spa & Salon can offer you a personal consultation and recommend products from our store. You will receive 10% off of your purchase if you use the code: INDULGEXS10. We can tailor a plan for teen girls and prom season. It would be our privilege to help.
Do Some Spring Beauty Cleaning & Receive 10% Off From Indulge XS
April 4 2014
It’s time to do some spring cleaning. Don’t stop at your closets, drawers and cabinets. Go directly to your vanity and beauty bins to do some purging and organizing as well. Follow these rules:
- If it is an unopened product that is not old and you do not want it, put it in a gift bag and offer it to your friends or take to a women’s shelter to brighten someone’s day.
- If it is an opened product that you no longer use, trash it.
- You only need three categories for cleaning: Keep, trash and give away.
- Keep a pad and pen nearby to write down a list of items to replace.
- Go through your makeup and without second guessing yourself throw out anything that looks un-hygienic.
- Organize everything by type.
- Keep regularly used items within reach and in a separate place.
- Wipe out, clean and even disinfect areas that have loose makeup or spilled product.
- Clean beauty brushes for both hair and skin (makeup applicators).
- Take yourself shopping to Target, The Container Store or even Bed Bath and Beyond for beautiful containers to keep your beauty essentials organized and ready for use. Don’t forget to clean that makeup bag in your purse too.
To make all of your efforts worth the while, Indulge XS is offering 10% off of your first purchase in our online store. Use this code at checkout: INDULGEXS10 for your gift.
7 Tips for Developing Your Personal Skincare Protocol
April 3 2014
You know your life better than any of us. There is amazing advice on the Internet, in magazines and even on television for taking care of your skin. You’ve read it all, tried much of it and now it’s time for you to make it – your skincare protocol – personal to your busy lifestyle.
- Treat the skin on your face gently and tenderly. Forget the need to scrub until your face is raw and red. Forget harsh products containing alcohol that burns.
- Include your diet in your plan or protocol. Drink more water and consider infused waters for extra health benefits and enhanced taste. Water hydrates from the inside out.
- If you work at home as a stay-at-home mom or from home as someone’s employee, consider using your calendar to schedule spa treatments like facials and expert exfoliation. You can also use your calendar to schedule in your daily care too.
- Make preventative skincare appointments with your esthetician and your dermatologist.
- Eat for your skin’s wellness. Reader Digest has a guide to 8 foods for beautiful skin.
- If you’re athletic or workout often, pack your skincare in your gym bag and clean your skin when you shower. Indulge XS has bag-sized products such as Cosmedix Clear.
- Reduce your stress and anxiety by taking up meditation or simply taking up “me” time as a regular part of your wellness plan.
Shop our Indulge XS store for great skin care products that are necessary for beautiful skin. Receive 10% off of your first purchase by using this code INDULGEXS10 at checkout.